Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year, New Me....Maybe

So, 2013 brought lots of changes for me and my family.  Probably the biggest, and the one that is the catalyst for all of the other changes is we welcomed our baby girl in April.  And after adjusting to life with three kids, she is a perfect fit for our family.  She is beautiful, laid back, and definitely a welcome addition.  One thing that didn't change for me is the ability to let things, this is a loaded phrase, right?  There are so many things that I hold onto - material things (i.e. the baby's coming home outfit, notes from my best friend in high school), emotional things (will I ever let it go that my husband was mean to me on April 17, 2008 at exactly 8:02 pm?), and, of course, the extra pounds that for four years I liked to call my battle scars - it proved that I was a Mom!!

Making resolutions is so cliché, but I always get excited at the new year, and the prospects that it can bring.  The anticipation of what's to come.  So, this year I have goals.  I want to be able to let go of some of the things that I have been holding onto too tightly for the past however many years.  I want to get and stay healthy, and I want to teach my family healthy living habits.  I also want to write my blog more regular.  These are my goals.  What are yours?

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