Sunday, January 8, 2012

One Week into the New Year

One week into 2012 and things are picking up.  I have so many things going on I don't think I can keep it all straight.  First of all, work is slammed.  I left work on Friday thinking, "How am I going to get it all done?"  I know I will, but not being able to work on all of the things over the weekend makes me wonder.....but tomorrow is Monday and I will put my nose to the grindstone and "make it work."  What's really on my mind is the fact that my husband leaves on Wednesday for 13 days.  I want to be happy for his that he is going down to Key West Race Week, doing what he loves and opening doors for him with his career; but, I am having a hard time.  Mainly because, while he is off, sailing every day and partying every night, I am here, taking care of all of the responsibilities at home, the kids, my work, the bills, the chores, and wondering how  I am going to do it all by myself.  Again, I know I can, but the thought of it makes me sad and resentful on some level.  How do people do it with spouses that travel all the time for work?  Is it something that you get used to or just live with?  Does it take its toll on your relationship?  If anyone has any words of wisdom, please share!!! 


  1. Hi Ellie, even though I understand your point of view ( a lot), just keep in mind that before you married him you knew the type of job he had and loved. So maybe when he comes back you can enjoy a long weekend with your girlfriends at a spa (no kids)! Hope you have not too bad of a time and hope he has a safe trip. Hugs Dina ;-)

  2. I agree with you and that's why I feel so bad for feeling like I do. I need to just take it one day at a time! Thanks!!
