Thursday, May 5, 2011

My First Blog

So, while today is my first day blogging, it's just another day in the life of me.  Does anyone ever feel like they are in a rut?  Get up in the morning, get ready for work, fee the baby, pass the baby to your husband to dress, brush teeth, put jacket on, grab baby, out the door for the almost one hour commute to work (and the commute is even stuck in a rut - I get stuck in traffic at the same place every day), work all day, pick the baby up from day care, go home, fix dinner, bathe the baby, put baby to bed, shower, pj's, fall asleep watching tv and wake up and do it all over again!  Now there is some joy in there - my baby is not truly a baby anymore - he's 19 months old and learning new things every day.  And my 7 year old stepson is smart as a whip so he will keep you on your toes - but some times I feel like "same ole, same ole"....and that's why I wanted to write this blog.  To share some of my experiences as a working mom, trying to keep her head above water and still enjoy life a little bit - or try to!!


  1. The fun is just beginning E. But some variation does creep in. Soccer, Baseball, Basketball maybe even Sailing.....

    Having said that, it is Go go go from now on. your life is no longer yours.

    U need to get back out on the circuit every once in a while. We miss you.

  2. Spice it up and feed the baby and have a cocktail down at the beach with us tonight. Making a special rum punch. xoxoxoo
