Monday, September 12, 2011

Summer's End

It's been awhile since I last wrote.  Summer got the best of me like it always does.  You think you have so much time and before you know it, the long days are getting shorter, school is back in session and another summer has set.  Now it's time to think about fall and fall activities, namely Halloween.  I have decided that I want to be able to make my children's Halloween costumes, much like my mother did when I was growing up.  I remember her sitting at her sewing machine, sewing an eye patch for one of us who decided to be a pirate that year.  My husband thinks I am crazy.  Says that I can sew "in all my spare time."  But I want to be that mom.  I want to be able to come home from work and be the mom that tucks her kids into bed and works on all of her projects.  Is it so wrong to want it all?  And maybe I'll get so good at sewing that I can make clothes for my family too....who knows.  maybe I'll be the next designer on Project Runway.  But for now I'll stick with the basics....and Halloween costumes!

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