Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What is your Resolution?

Okay, let's face it.  We all want to be healthy, lose weight, take more time for ourselves....those are the basic resolutions.  But if you stop and think, what is it that you really want out of the new year.  What do you want to accomplish?  What do you want to learn?  The new year is always a time for reflection on the past and hope for the future.  I am still thinking about my resolution for 2015.  There are so many things that I hope for.  Peace within myself, the ability to step away from situations that hurt me, stop doubting myself and my ability.  Hopefully,  I will be able to achieve most of these...along with the pesky 10 pounds that I want to lose, and the monthly spa day that I want.  Anyone want to share their hopes for the new year?

Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy Holidays

In case you haven't noticed, I have been out of the blogging scene for a few (by a few I mean a lot) months now.  There was a lot that happened in 2014.  Some good, some not so good - but I vow that this blog is not a place to harp on the negative, I look at the positive and think of what is to come.  I stopped writing at the end of march because life got to be a little too much.  As many of you know, I lost my dad to Pancreatic Cancer at the beginning of April.  Through that experience, I have learned that each day is a blessing.  Each moment is to be cherished.   The dishes will get some point; the laundry will get folded....eventually.  But you'll never get back that moment with your child giggling for whatever reason.  Cherish those moments.  Live in the moment!

As we wind this year down, I promise to keep sharing my thoughts with you, my funny moments with you, and hopefully let you know that no one is ever in this crazy world alone!  There is always someone living the crazy....and it's probably me, so feel free to share.

To everyone, I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season, that you spend time with those you love, and you continue to make memories.  Always live life to the fullest, don't take anyone or anything for granted.  Tomorrow is never a promise, it's always a blessing!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!